Mirror Mirror

Carly Palmer

Chicago, Illinois

Artist Statement

My name is Carly Palmer. I’m a Fellow Traveler & Seeker (Re)Exploring Curiosity & Creativity Through The Depths. I’m a Writer, Abstract & Collage Artist. I let the creative process intuitively unfold and invite flow to find me. I have a deep appreciation for re-purposing, re-imagining, and juxtaposing seemingly disparate objects and watching them interact. I play with patterns in life, art, and everything in between. Lifting up the veil to see what will be revealed. Like a moth to a flame, I am constantly asking the question “why” and letting it unravel the threads to deeper insights and experience.


My intuition plays with symbol and metaphor, weaving in and out of the conscious and unconscious realms. My artistic process thrusts me into the vast unknown world of exploring life's greatest mysteries. My own art is often a mirror in which I gaze upon and see soulful reflections of myself.

Seeing my own soul reflected back to me in a visual form is powerful. It allows voice to speak in other ways than solely words can. 

My artistic process invites me to express what is conjured up within. It is here that word and image are artfully woven together in story. A rich tapestry of both old and new tales is slowly unveiled. As I unravel the loose threads, I am reminded that I was changing, morphing and evolving all along. Much like the caterpillar in its cocoon. 

My works are often expressions of my own subjective experiences. I’m intrigued by paradoxes and exploring the tension of opposites. Through my art, I’m asked to step into the ever-present paradox of pursuing possibilities and experiencing limits in the world around me. I am fascinated by the complexity of the human mind, and endlessly inspired by the work of Dr. Carl Jung in both life and art. My insatiable curiosity to learn, and eagerness to know more continues to lead me to get lost (and found) in anything Jungian.

Seeking has always been a part of who I am, and in this “realm” I feel welcome to come as I am, not as who I should be or am expected to be. It is wildly liberating. 

Collecting images for collages often feels like a treasure hunt without a map. The dance of duality between collecting and repurposing puts me in this creative trance. When I’m art-making, it often feels like I lose the sense of time yet remain utterly present. Absorbed in the process, my hands are busy with collecting and cutting, as my mind drifts into a dreamlike and rhythmic state. It is here that I am called to follow my own artistic instinct. Hunting for images that catch my eye. Inspiration and imagination run wild for me.

I want my collages to hover at the crossroads of intention and impulse.

Finding ways to explore, express and embody my own curiosity invites me to continue to evolve. Leaning in and out to witness the different ways of “knowing.” Absorbing life’s inherent mysteries, contradictions, and everything in between. I’ve always been drawn to hidden meanings and scratching at the surface. This especially comes out when I’m making art or writing. Waiting for it all to unfold on the canvas or paper.

Hauntingly beautiful patterns of possibility will appear before me. Seizing me awestruck. My eyes are closed yet wide open. 

The question of “what wants to enter the world through me?” constantly lingers in my mind. It insists itself to be asked. Symbols will make themselves known in my work, yet offer me more enigmatic questions than definite answers. I nestle in this reverent divide. I will ask the bigger questions, and in return, I am asked for compassion and patience. I am asked to trust even the sometimes dimly-lit stars in the dark sky that hold the soulful constellation of Self. Once again, my hand reaches out, pulling back the curtain to reveal my reflection gazing back. Mirror mirror.

“Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.” 

— Carl Jung



Where is your home?

Check out Nostalgia and Longing for Home, a FREE mini-course by James Hollis, Ph.D., a renowned Jungian analyst.



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