Do You Love Me or the Lost Other?
Growing up as a Replacement Child
with Kristina Schellinski
Saturday, December 3, 2022
12 pm - 2 pm EST, on Zoom
Please convert to your Time Zone
This Program Will Be Recorded.
The recording link will be sent to you within 72 hours after the live program.
Program Cost: $30
“Replacement children are often given the role to “bring back” a lost loved one. This is an impossible task.”
Replacement children are often given this role 'to replace' in order to cut grieving short, in some instances even to "bring back" a lost sibling or other loved one. This is an impossible task.
This workshop may be transformational for you or someone you know: if one is born into a grieving family and expected to make up for a loss or if one's first name is recalling a missing person. This may affect one's health, relationships, self-esteem, and chances for success life-long.
Even if the replacing was a secret, if the replacement child was not told that they are to replace a missing sibling or another person, or even if this was a largely unconscious projection of a parent or grandparent, still serving as a revenant for another human being may mean one is not seen or loved for who one is. One may never feel 'good enough.
This workshop will give insights into how to become conscious of this condition, how to fulfill one's true potential, how to become the unique individual one is meant to be, and how to discover one's own inalienable soul.
Who Is It For
Replacement Children
Parents & grandparents who grieve a loss
Psychotherapists, Psychoanalysts, Counselors
Partners of replacement children or their descendants
Professional Training Institutes
Your Instructor
Kristina Schellinski
Kristina Schellinski, M.A. is a Teaching Analyst & Supervisor at the C.G. Jung Institute Zürich-Küsnacht and Supervisor at the Department of Psychiatry of the Geneva University Hospital.
She is the Co-Founder and Director of Programs at replacementchildforum.com, an ad-free website full of resources for replacement children and health professionals.
In private practice near Geneva, Switzerland as well as online. She is a member of the International Association of Analytical Psychologists (IAAP), and teaches, presents, and publishes internationally.
With this book, you are opening windows for “seeing” and understanding as well as helping a replacement child to become conscious of its condition. And give it the chance to meet his or her true self, to embrace feelings and to experience wholeness…such moments are gifts to the soul, to the self, a touch of eternity. It’s a blessing to read...
– Marlyn
What You Will Learn
Who is a replacement child?
How one's life is impacted if one is to make up for the loss of a sibling, grand-/parent or other person
How to explore one's true self and fulfill one's full potential
Glimpses of the soul and spiritual longings of adults who were replacement children
“I just received your book … and I can’t put it down! Thank you for what you have done!”
– Denis
“I was reading your text with tears in my eyes. It was so deeply touching and at the same time healing... The reading itself seemed like healing the split.”
– Egle
Saturday, December 3, 2022
12 pm - 2 pm EST, on Zoom
Please convert to your Time Zone
This Program Will Be Recorded.
The recording link will be sent to you within 72 hours after the live program.
Program Cost: $30