The Intimacy Project

Katrin Isabel Lichter

Berlin, Germany

Artist Statement

The Intimacy Project is an honest exploration of body image, interpersonal relationships, and self-awareness that is closely connected to my own journey into intimacy.


Works in the collection capture moments in the everyday life of being a wom*n and the seemingly endless struggles with identification, self-worth, and self-love. The works often show female* bodies with soft and fluid silhouettes that blend into smooth color compositions, sometimes not precisely revealing gender or other identifying characteristics. They combine impulses and deep emotions of everyday situations, and almost every outcome is coincidental.

Wherever the canvas leads me to, I slowly explore different bodies and their language. With influences as diverse as Ralph Gibson and Helen Beard, the human body is always positioned as an aesthetic object for the appreciation of intimacy in all its facets. 

Wherever the canvas leads me to, I slowly explore different bodies and their language.

Especially now in times of social distancing, intimacy takes on a profound meaning for mental health and the connection between the human body and the inner self. I pick up on these feelings and difficulties from my own everyday life and process them in my artworks without revealing too much about my motives. Subtle or provocative, every artwork leaves the interpretation open to personal fantasies and invites the viewer to dive into their own journey of emotions. In this way, I create a canvas for individual perspectives on intimacy and self-love.

I want my art to empower everybody’s and especially wom*n‘s beauty that makes it unique and something to be celebrated. I also see my art as a kind of language, translating what I feel and experience to those viewing it. 

I see my art as a kind of language, translating what I feel and experience to those viewing it. 

I’m a Freelance Senior Art Director and Artist based in Berlin, who developed her graphic universe around clean and warm design patterns.

I started my career as a Media Designer in 2003. Over the seventeen years since then, while working as Art Director for international brands and agencies, I honed my understanding of human interactions and desires and developed my creative concept of ‘minimizing distractions from what's truly valuable or essential’. My main work focuses on (digital) art direction and graphic design, branding, illustrations, and online marketing.


Do you want to learn more about intimacy?

There’s a unique opportunity to join Deeply Connected: Your Sexual Relationship as a Spiritual Path, a self-study course by Marlene and Bob Neufeld.



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